The knowledge that a book can impart is incomparable to any other mode of education.
Technology has changed all spheres of life. The way of education has changed in recent times but we can’t change the quote i.e.
“Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write.”
It’s not important how you read whether by the hard copy of a book or by an e-book. The only thing that matter is your will towards your reading.
Today’s a time of computer and being a computer science engineer, you must be searching for the best reference books for Computer Science Engineering that will help you to know and learn the subjects in depth.
I’ve tried to compile a list of best reference books in computer science engineering. These books are used by CS students of top universities like NIT’s, BIT or IIT’s.
This will definitely help the students to know the subject in a much better way and to have clarity and grip on the overall subject.
1. Introduction to Algorithms
Author- T H Cormen and C E Leiserson

This is a book on computer programming by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein.
This book has been widely used as the textbook for algorithms courses at many universities and is commonly cited as a reference for algorithms.
Each chapter focuses on an algorithm and discusses its design techniques and areas of application.
Instead of using a specific programming language, the author had written all the algorithms in pseudocode.
Before starting any programming language, its very important to learn algorithms, pseudocode helps the student to think about program more easily.
2. Programming in ANSI C
Author- E Balaguruswamy

‘Programming in ANSI C‘ is a highly recommended book for learning the basics of C programming language.
This review is for those people who are doing engineering in computer science.
According to me, it is mandatory to go through C programming to know the basic concepts of coding.
And, this book will provide you all the necessary details related to C programming.
It provides easy, medium and high-level examples from each of the units of C. There are tons of practice question provided in the book which helps to nurture your conceptual.
3. Data Structure
Author- Seymour Lipschutz

If you want to understand the basic concepts like linked lists, stacks, queues, etc. then this is the ideal book.
This book includes highly illustrative with over 300 figures and 400 solved and unsolved exercises.
The ‘Data Structure in C‘ is another book written by Seymour Lipschutz, if you want to learn data structure using C language then you can go through it.
4. Computer Organization
Author– Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic and Safwat Zaky

A book by ‘Carl Hamacher‘ can be considered as the best book with easy language and clear concepts.
Computer Organization is suitable for a one-semester course in engineering or computer science programs and has a good mix of hardware- and software-oriented topics.
This book covers all the important topics in the field of computer organization and embedded systems.
It also demonstrates hardware design principles and illustrates how hardware design is affected by the requirements of the software.
5. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
Author- Alfred V. Aho, Monica s. Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman

‘Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools‘ is a computer science textbook by Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman about compiler construction.
Want to know the compilation process of code i.e. how it works?, how many phases compiler have?, Finite Automata, and many more.
If Yes! then must read the book related to the compiler and according to me, this can be the book in your list.
This book was first published in 1986 and widely regarded as the classic definitive compiler technology text.
By the way, this book is also used by many top institutions as a semester course book.
6. Database
7. Data Communications and Networking (McGraw Hill Education)
Author- Behrouz A. Forouzan

Data Communication and Networking may be the fastest growing technologies in our culture today. Right!
And being a computer science engineer, its very important to learn networking.
‘Forouzan’ says that- this book is designed for students with little or no background in telecommunications or data communication. For that, it uses a bottom-up approach.
With this approach, students learn first about data communications (lower layers) before learning about networking (upper layers).
This book can be used for a one-semester course and I highly recommend this book for physical, data link and network layers of TCP/IP models.
8. Cryptography And Network Security
Author- William Stallings

Being a computer science engineer or a programmer, it’s very important to learn how to deal with security.
‘Cryptography And Network Security’ is a book that will help you to know the ciphertext, encryption/decryption techniques, Network security, IP security and many more.
This book will help you to overcome digital mishaps arising from viruses and hackers, electronic eavesdropping and electronic fraud also.
In computer science engineering, Cryptography And Network Security is a one-semester course subject but it can also be learnt from the ‘Atul Kahate’ according to the examination point of view.
But, if you want to gain more information related to hacking and viruses then you can go through William Stalling’s book.
9. Operating System Concepts
Author- Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne

Operating system is an essential part of any computer system.
Being a computer science engineer, and to keep pace with the fast-developing world, the operating system plays a very important role.
Silberschatz, Galvin’s book “Operating System Concepts” will help you to master the fundamental concepts of Operating System.
Personally, I recommend you to go through this book to prepare yourself for today’s emerging developments.
Now, in the 9th edition, it provides a solid theoretical foundation for understanding the operating system more clearly.
10. Fundamentals of Software Engineering
Author- Rajib Mall

If you want to learn software, this book can be a good one to start from the fundamentals of software engineering.
‘Fundamentals of Software Engineering’ is a book written by ‘Rajib Mall’ to give the introduction to software engineering.
This book can also be used for one-semester course, for your degree.
This book includes the topics like- Software Life Cycle Modals, Quality assurance, COCOMO models and many more.
Many institutions in India, suggest this book to gain the fundamental knowledge of software engineering.
11. Principles of Soft Computing
Author- Dr. S. N. Sivanandam

‘Principles of Soft Computing‘ is meant for a wide range of readers who wish to learn the basic concepts of soft computing.
It can also be helpful for programmers, researchers and management experts who use soft computing techniques.
The various neural network concepts are explained with examples, highlighting the difference between various architectures, genetic algorithms. Fuzzy logic techniques are also cleared smoothly.
This is a book from which a beginner can understand the concepts with minimal effort.
12. Artificial Intelligence
Author- Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight and Shivashankar B Nair

Artificial Intelligence is a vast field and a most-developing field of todays world.
The book ‘Artificial intelligence’ is a one-semester course in computer science engineering.
And, if want to drive your career in Artificial intelligence then this book is best to give the basic knowledge of Artificial intelligence.
The author tried to presents both theoretical foundations of AI and an indication of the ways that current techniques can be used in application programs.
This book also explains the prolog programs, water-jug problem, tic-tac-toe or heuristic search.
According to me, every computer science engineering students need to have a sound knowledge of the subject.
The above-mentioned books are the few of the best books for computer science engineering known to me.
When I was in, I had gone through each book, I know its quite difficult to go through each topics.
But, I also know that if you try to go through the book, and once you get interested in the subjects, it becomes easy for you to understand the topic clearly.
Do you want to give a chance to yourself? Ask from yourself.
From my knowledge, I had provided you with all the organized books that will surely help you to gain the depth knowledge of the subjects.
Apart from these semester books, if you want to read some general books on computer science, just click on a link.
That’s all.
Meanwhile, If you find that I’d forget to add any book in my list, let me know in the comment box.
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