In this tutorial, we will learn about the single-dimensional array in C++ i.e. how to input and print the one-dimensional array using C++.
But, before that, it’s important to know what actually array is. and what is its syntax?
Quick Info:💡
↪ An array is a collection of values of similar data types arranged at contiguous memory locations and can be accessed using indices.
↪ Array is of two types:
- Single-dimensional array
- Multidimensional array
↪ Points to be remembered: In an array, indexing always starts from zero(0).
Program to Display Single-Dimensional Array
datatype nameofarray[size];
- datatype– It is a data type of the value that is stored in the array.
- nameofarray– It is the name of the array.
- size– It is the number of elements that can be stored in an array.
void main()
int i, arr[4];
cout<<"Enter the elements of array below:"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter the element of arr["<<i<<"]:";
cout<<"Element in arr["<<i<<"] is:"<<arr[i]<<endl;;
Enter the elements of array below:
Enter the element of arr[0]:23
Enter the element of arr[1]:45
Enter the element of arr[2]:76
Enter the element of arr[3]:90
Enter the element of arr[4]:70
Element in arr[0] is:23
Element in arr[1] is:45
Element in arr[2] is:76
Element in arr[3] is:90
Element in arr[4] is:70

The flow of a program:

Wrapping Up:
Well, I hope it really helped you to know C++ better.
Attention reader⚠ Don’t stop learning now.
Like a single dimensional array, a multidimensional array is also an important part of the array.
Just stay with us to get more such exciting codes to explore more in C++.
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